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Telling Their Stories urban school of san francisco


oral history review coverThe Oral History Review article on Telling Stories
Howard Levin's article, Authentic Doing: Student-Produced Web-Based Digital Video Oral Histories, was recently published in the Oxford Journals Oral History Review.

zusman-bookTelling Their Stories highlighted in recent book
Angela Zusman's newbook, Story Bridges: A Guide to Conducting Intergenerational Oral History Projects, prominently features Telling Their Stories.

Mississippi students join Telling Their Stories in San Francisco

Civil rights figure Brenda Travis, the catalyst for the 1961 inspired voting rights movement in McComb, Mississippi, visited Urban School in May, 2010 for a collaborative interview including four students from McComb High School.This was the first full-fledged interview granted by Travis, conducted by Urban School and McComb School students over a 3-day visit.

McComb teacher, Vickie Malone traveled with four representative students from her Local Culture class, which is focusing on collecting the oral histories from veterans of the southern Civil Rights Movement. They joined Urban School teacher Deborah Dent-Samake's Oral History class, which is collaborating with McComb on interviews with civil rights veterans.

Brenda Travis with Students
Brenda Travis, surrounded by students from both McComb, Mississippi and Urban's Telling Their Stories class.