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Photographs & More Information

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That picture is a photograph of a commando being liberated by Japanese American soldiers for the 522nd field artillery battalion, that is the commander's jeep. I know it was taken after the 29th of April.

There's a man in the middle in the striped coat. Do you have any idea who that is?

That is a displaced person.

Tell us about this one.

That is a photograph taken, more than likely on the 30th of April, 1945. The man in the middle is a prisoner, one of the inmates of the concentration camps that we had given aid to.

Tell us about this one.

This is a photograph of some human bodies that were taken at one of the concentration camps that- I don't know who took the photograph, but my (batty) commander had the picture in his album.

This is a photograph of one of our gun emplacements, in the actual combat in France. You can see that the weather conditions were quite bad.

Who took this photo?

My friend (Ito?) took this picture.

Are you in any of these pictures?


Tell us about this one.

This is a photograph right near Dachau after the liberation of Dachau. You can see the snow, and these are just some (nine coms?) from sea battery. That is Lieutenant (Ito) on the right.

On the far right.

That is my discharge papers.

The top picture is a photograph of myself and my nephew. This was taken after the war. Just after I got discharged.

The middle one.

That is a photograph of me - I was a corporal land so - that was just before I went over seas.

Can you quickly describe what are the various insignia that you are wearing.

That is third army; the big "A" is third army. The stripes are corporal. These are the (filatory) insignias.

Describe this bottom picture.

This bottom picture I took down on the - when we were in Champaign Campaign down in Menton, France. I was practicing with a new automatic weapon that the army came out with called a Burp gun.


We called the German's the Burp gun. Ours was called - we called it a Grease gun.

A grease gun?

Yes, because it looked like a grease gun.

Tell us again what this is?

It is a triviat that was given to me for having participated in the celebration that they were having where they built this wall and the purpose of the wall was to commemorate the liberation of Dachau.

More Information on George Oiye

Obituary from the San Jose Mercury News


Image from the San Jose Mercury News, 3/2/06

Memorial Service, 3/5/06

serviceservice flip

Image from George Oiye's Memorial Service, 3/5/2006




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