This is a working document - meant primarily to document the various steps. Detailed directions still need to be developed for several of these steps. ~hl
- Previous steps (Processing Video Files After the Interview) directed to create and distribute mp3 files to the transcibing computers.
- Teacher creates master list of transcription assignments
- Students pull assigned mp3 file into Express Scribe
- Students rough transcribe their section and DAILY submit using built-in email feature to
- In Express Scribe, click the "recover files" button to resume work
- After rough transcription, student studies Style Guide and revises transcript section accordingly
- Transcript reflects paragraph style to match each movie clip duration. Sample below demonstrate TWO movie clips. The first, "A" is a single question and a lengthy response equivalent to 1-3 minutes. The second, "B" is a series of quick questions and answers that can be combined into one equivalent paragraph length movie, 1-3 minutes long.
- "Cleaned" transcript submitted using built-in email feature to - label as "clean1"
- Second student PROOF listens and corrects
- 2nd Cleaned transcript submitted using built-in email feature to - label as "clean2"
- Teacher or student designee constructs single transcript via cut-paste using simple text editor (TextEdit on the Mac or Wordpad on the PC is preferable to Microsoft Word)
- Single comprehensive transcript sent to Howard by teacher using simple text editor (TextEdit on the Mac or Wordpad on the PC is preferable to Microsoft Word)
- Howard converts to Dreamweaver document and will send back with directions on inserting into draft website structure
- Students cut individual movies using Quicktime References - link to text in Dreamweaver and sends to Howard (directions in development)